The Chargé in Salvador (Engert) to
the Secretary of State
Salvador, May 7,
[Received May 28(?).]
No. 1046G
Sir: In continuation of the Legation’s despatch
No. 1020G of April 4, 1925, I have the honor to transmit herewith a
report on the general conditions prevailing in El Salvador for the month
of April 1926.
I have [etc.]
Report on General Conditions Prevailing in
Salvador During the Month of April 1926
It was found toward the end of March that a considerable amount of
opposition had developed in the National Assembly—not so much
perhaps to the Treaty itself as to any attempt on the part of the
Executive to have it promptly ratified—and that further discussion
of the Treaty by incompetent deputies would only make matters worse.
It therefore came as a relief when the Assembly decided to refer the
Treaty to the Supreme Court for a report on the judicial and other
technical questions involved. The Legation understands that the
conclusions of the Supreme Court are on the whole favorable, but
that it will suggest certain minor modifications. I have pointed out
both to the President and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that
the discussion of any amendments, however slight, would mean
interminable delay as they would of course have to be referred to
the Department. I further intimated that I doubted seriously whether
the United States would find it possible to accept any further
modifications of the text as we had already made many alterations at
[Page 939]
the request of the
Salvadorean Government and it might not prove feasible to introduce
changes not contemplated in similar treaties with other countries. I
have been promised that every effort would be made to have the
Treaty accepted as signed.
As soon as the Supreme Court has rendered its report the Treaty will
once more be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.