817.2318/–: Telegram
The Chargé in Costa Rica (Gallman) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 6—2:22 a.m.]
23. At the request of Minister for Foreign Affairs I called at Foreign Office tonight. He formally advised me that Cardenas, former Nicaraguan Chargé d’Affaires, today requested permission of President Jimenez to permit the passage of Nicaraguan troops through Costa [Page 786] Rican territory in Colorado en route to Bluefields. This request was denied. Cardenas then requested permission to send unarmed Nicaraguan troops through the same territory, arms to be sent later over the same route. This request was also denied.
Minister for Foreign Affairs also formally advised me that the Costa Rican Government was determined to prevent invasion of Costa Rican territory by Nicaraguan troops at all cost.
He intimated that the Government of Costa Rica was deeply interested in knowing what measures the Government of the United States might adopt in order to prevent invasion of Costa Rican territory and probable bloodshed. He intimated further that presence of an American war vessel in the neighborhood of Colorado Bar might prevent the invasion of Costa Rican territory.