817.00/3389: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt)

4. Your 9, January 11, 10 a.m.

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Should Chamorro nevertheless assume the presidency there is no reason for you to leave. Your presence in Managua will be necessary to protect American interests. The Minister was not withdrawn from Honduras on account of revolution and provisional government there.5 Our Minister is at present at Quito despite the fact that the régime now functioning there is not recognized by this Government.6 During the tenure of office of the two Military Juntas in Chile the American Ambassador remained in Santiago.7

Should Chamorro assume office you will of course make it clear that this Government does not recognize him as President nor can it accord recognition to his Government. You will then address only personal letters and not official communications to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. They should be addressed to him personally omitting any title of office. Your representations should be confined strictly to protection of American interests. Passports issued by the new regime should not be visaed. This Government will not ask for exequaturs for American consuls in Nicaragua under the new régime nor will it accord exequaturs to consuls of the new régime in this country nor will it receive a new Minister accredited by the new authorities.

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