
The Ambassador in Spain (Hammond) to the Secretary of State

No. 136

Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 60 of the 15th instant, reporting my conversation with the Spanish Minister of State regarding Spain’s aspirations in the International Zone of Tangier, I have the honor to enclose a copy, with translation, of a memorandum on the subject sent me by Mr. Yanguas, which reached me this morning.

As this memorandum appeared to be much less comprehensive than that which I had made of the Minister’s remarks on the 14th, I immediately sent a secretary of the Embassy to confer with Mr. Yanguas’ private secretary. The latter was shown the notes of the conversation upon which my telegram under reference was based, and the omissions apparent in the Minister’s memorandum were pointed out to him. He replied that my version of Mr. Yanguas’ remarks was correct beyond doubt, and gave it as his opinion that there was no reason to modify the report I had made thereof to the Department.

The absence in the memorandum of any reference to the mandate proposal he explained as due to the desire of Spain to put forward first her proposal for the incorporation of Tangier in the Spanish Zone.

I have [etc.]

Ogden H. Hammond
[Page 727]

The Spanish Foreign Office to the American Embassy

The Spanish Government considers that the international régime tried in Tangier is, in practice, inapplicable, as shown by experience, and it believes that the problem would be solved by the incorporation of Tangier in the Spanish Protected Zone.

The Spanish Government feels it to be its duty to bring this conviction to the attention of the Government of the United States and to announce that it intends to open negotiations on this proposition with the Governments interested in the present statute.

His Majesty’s Government is confident that this suggestion will be favorably received by the Government of the United States, and gives assurance that the exercise of its protectorate over Tangier will, if recognized, be based on the following essential principles:

Not to fortify Tangier.
Not to convert its port into a naval or aviation base.
Liberty of commerce, with equality of treatment for all nations.
Establishment of authorities and courts which will maintain order and guarantee the safety of foreign persons and property.