882.51/1862: Telegram
The Chargé in Liberia (Wharton) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 14—1:23 a.m.]
11. Loan to be reconsidered by Legislature at once. Can get substantially original agreement except: Legation’s cable 5. See (1), assignment revenues, principle same as reported but other wording accepted if desired. No assistant financial adviser. Rubber agreement. The Liberian Government considers subjects incorporated in approval act only interpretations agreed to by letters exchanged with manager here excepting arbitration clause.
See (6) same cable. This clause considered to have been suggested to commission by the authorities.
[Page 524]Firestone cabling his office negotiations French Ivory Coast> Philippines and Sumatra suggesting transfer enterprise. Fearful Liberians may consider the matter finally refused and take no further action unless it is thought possible to adjust matters. Can you secure provisional assent subject to final examination of text? May be able to secure further concessions but cannot now promise more than above. Can you give suggestions? Telegraph answer at once.