611.60 p 31/25: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Latvia (Colemam)

53. Your telegram 81, September 15, and despatch 3202, September 16.20

Department has informally discussed matter with Latvian Minister, who stated he had written his Government and would communicate again by telegraph recommending conclusion of modus vivendi in view of the fact that the United States would shortly re-open negotiations for permanent treaty. Department pointed out to the Minister that modus vivendi is only a temporary arrangement pending renewal of negotiations which Department desires to initiate at Washington at the earliest practicable moment and certainly within a few months. You may, if desired, give such assurance in writing. Department also pointed out that the situation between Latvia and the United States differs from that between Latvia and other countries in that the United States has already initiated treaty negotiations with Latvia.
Please further sound out the situation as it exists following elections, referring to the Minister’s recommendations, and tactfully endeavor to arrange modus vivendi. While the Department will not insist upon modus vivendi and does not desire an impasse, Department greatly prefers modus vivendi as the quickest means to do away with discriminations and because of present pressure of work on officials charged with preparation of treaty draft.
  1. Latter not printed.