033.3811/3: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Haiti (Merrell)
34. General Russell’s despatch No. 787, April 17, has received Department’s attentive consideration.
The Government of the United States is gratified to learn of President Borno’s desire to visit this country; should he do so he will receive a cordial welcome and will be shown proper courtesy and honor. It is not the practice of the Federal Government to invite Chiefs of State to visit the United States as guests of the Government, as no legal provision for it exists, but you may say to the President of Haiti that should he decide to come to Washington, President Coolidge will be most happy to receive him and that the Secretary of State will also be glad to welcome him.
In regard to the suggestion that this Government place at President Borno’s disposal one of its vessels for this proposed trip, the Department feels that a precedent would be created which might prove very embarrassing; the Department hopes, therefore, that you may be able in proper manner to discourage this idea.