550.48 B 1/32: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Gibson)

72. Your 98, May 6, 3 p.m.50 Communicate following reply to Drummond in usual manner:

“The Secretary of State of the United States of America has received with appreciation the communication of the Secretary General of the League of Nations, dated October 12, 1925, enclosing a draft convention on the question of slavery and requesting that the United States furnish any observations it might care to make on the provisions of the draft.

While the Secretary of State is not in a position at this time to make any detailed contribution to a study of this subject, he is pleased to inform the Secretary General that slavery and the slave trade are prohibited under the fundamental laws of the United States and by the laws and statutes in force in its several possessions.

The Government of the United States is, furthermore, in accord with its traditional policy, deeply interested in any movement which looks toward the abolishment of all forms of involuntary servitude.”

  1. Not printed.