Sympathetic attitude of the United States toward efforts by the League of Nations for the suppression of slavery
[121] The Secretary General of the League of Nations (Drummond) to the Secretary of State
Geneva, 12 October,
[Received October 31.]
[Received October 31.]
550.48 B 1/3
[122] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Gibson)
Washington, May 17,
1926—4 p.m.
550.48 B 1/32: Telegram
[123] The Minister in Switzerland (Gibson) to the Secretary of State
Berne, June 2,
1926—9 p.m.
[Received June 3—10:09 a.m.]
[Received June 3—10:09 a.m.]
550.48 B 1/45: Telegram
[124] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Gibson)
Berne, June 4,
1926—3 p.m.
550.48 B 1/45: Telegram