550.48 B 1/3

The Secretary General of the League of Nations (Drummond) to the Secretary of State


Sir: I have the honour to communicate to you below the text of a resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on September 28th, 1925:

“The Council decides to communicate the draft Convention on the Slave Trade, slavery and similar conditions, which was recommended for approval by the Sixth Assembly on September 26th, 1925, and the report of the Sixth Committee concerning this Convention to the Members of the League and to the following Governments: Afghanistan, Ecuador, United States of America, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Russia, Sudan and Turkey, with the request that they will:

forward to the Secretary-General not later than June 1st, 1926, any observations they may desire to make regarding the provisions of this draft;
make every effort to adopt at once all possible measures in conformity with the provisions of the draft Convention in question;
assist one another forthwith in the abolition of the slave trade, slavery and conditions analogous thereto, by all practicable means, and in particular by the conclusion of special agreements and arrangements.”

[Page 248]

In pursuance of this resolution, I am sending you herewith the draft Convention in question and the Sixth Committee’s report upon it.48 I have the honour to draw your Government’s special attention to paragraphs b) and c) quoted above, and I should be very glad if you would be good enough to forward before June 1st, 1926, any observations it may desire to make regarding the draft Convention.

I am also sending, for your information, the report submitted to the Council on September 28th, 1925,49 on this subject by Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, representative of the British Empire.

I have [etc.]

Eric Drummond
  1. For texts of report and draft convention, see League of Nations, Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 39: Records of the Sixth Assembly (Geneva, 1925), p. 50.
  2. For text of report, see League of Nations, Official Journal, Oct. 1925, p. 1534.