611.5231/417: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Moore)

14. Your 17, April 29 3 p.m. and 18, April 30 9 p.m.

An exchange of notes on the basis of the first paragraph of your 18 of April 30 9 p.m. will be satisfactory to this Government.
It is assumed that the exchange of notes will follow in general the form of the exchange which took place in April of last year. If on the other hand the communication which you have received from the Foreign Office is a signed communication and intended as the Spanish Government’s formal proposal, you may acknowledge the communication stating that the proposal “that the commercial arrangement agreed upon through the Spanish Government’s note of April 26, 1924 and my reply of April 27, 1924, shall continue in force until May 5, 1926, subject to termination at that time or [Page 712] any time thereafter on three months notice, will be agreeable to the Government of the United States.”
If the Spanish Government insists upon reexamination of the grape situation as indicated in your 13, April 17 4 p.m., you may inform the Foreign Office that this Government will be prepared to send a competent officer to Spain during the coming summer to make such examination, but that as that question is regarded by this Government as independent of the commercial arrangement, it desires that the matter shall be treated separately and shall not be referred to in the exchange of notes.

It would be preferable to make no commitment with respect to the grape situation unless it should be insisted upon by the Spanish Government.
