701.60 a 11/6
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of San Marino (Gozi) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 8.]
Excellency: The increased emigration of San Marino citizens to the United States of America since an immigration quota was also granted to this state, the increasing exchange of interests between our two countries, and the absolute lack of direct representatives of this Government near the Government of Your Excellency, make it appear necessary to have representation of San Marino, for the protection of its subjects, in the larger centers of the territory of the United States.
It would, therefore, be the intention of my Government first to create its own Legation at Washington, for the purpose of drawing closer the ties of sincere friendship which for a long time have bound the people of this Republic to the people of the Republic of the United States of America.
I, therefore, beg Your Excellency to let me know at your earliest convenience whether Your Excellency’s Government accepts the institution of a Legation.
Accept [etc.]
- File translation revised.↩