701.60 a 11/1

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of San Marino (Gozi) to the Secretary of State


Excellency: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the distinguished Commander Ignazio Pollak, Envoy Extraordinary of the Republic of San Marino to foreign parts and more particularly to the territories of the States of Germany and Austria, has been appointed for all of the current year 1924 to be also Envoy Extraordinary to the States of North America, where there is not at present any consular office in the service of this Government.

The above-named Commander Ignazio Pollak will present himself to Your Excellency to deliver the greetings of the Government and people of San Marino, the smallest but the oldest state of the world, who have always had good grounds to trust in the sincere friendship of the great people of the United States.

Accept [etc.]

  1. File translation revised.