817.00/3363: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:30 p.m.]
186. Your telegram 120 December 21, 9 p.m. The plans for nullifying the last elections and for convoking a constituent assembly have been abandoned for the present at least. However plans for disqualifying members of Congress have proceeded in spite of the fact that I repeatedly expressed the opinion that this would be tantamount to at least a partial nullification of the last elections. President Solorzano reaffirms his intention to resign in the near future. The plan which many including myself considered least dangerous and the one which Chamorro professed for several weeks he had tacitly agreed to—namely, to name Diaz as designado in case Solorzano should resign—was replaced rather suddenly today with another: (1) Chamorro to be nominated at once to fill a vacancy in the Senate to be created through the resignation of a friend; (2) Chamorro to be elected Senator at the regular election time on January 3; (3) Chamorro to be appointed designado during the week following or on January 11. The highest legal talent has recommended this and today Chamorro expressed himself as inclined to take this advice regardless of the opinion which I frankly gave him that were he to become President in this way, or in any other way, and especially within three months of his armed intimidation of President Solorzano, that step would be of such doubtful legality that the Government of the United States would almost certainly feel compelled to withhold recognition.