860f.51/426: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein)


35. Your telegram No. 46, August 10, 2 p.m.

The National City Company has written to the Department to say that it concurs in and will be guided by the Department’s views in regard to Czechoslovak financing.
It appears that certain advances have been made by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York over a period of several months to a Czechoslovak institution which is exercising provisionally the functions of a state bank of issue.
Czechoslovak Government’s note of July 226 was presented by Chargé on August 8. He requested copies of the debt-funding arrangements already made by the United States, which were given him together with statement showing amounts payable annually by Czechoslovakia on basis of British terms. It was made clear that this [Page 43] schedule of amounts was merely for his information and was not a proposition from the Debt Commission. Department will answer Czechoslovak note as soon as possible.7
  1. Not printed; see telegram No. 41, July 23, from the Minister in Czechoslovakia, vol. i, p. 129.
  2. See telegram No. 37, Aug. 27, to the Minister in Czechoslovakia, vol. i, p. 130.