
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Summerlin)

No. 8

Sir: The Department has received Mr. Dennis’ despatch (No. 902) of November 20, 1925,32 regarding political conditions in Honduras and more especially the efforts of the President to obtain American Marines to preserve order should certain political officers be removed.

The Department desires to express its high approval of Mr. Dennis’ reply that the problems of the Honduran Government should be solved by native statesmanship and not by American arms. The Department feels that no lasting improvement can be attained in Central America as long as all parties look to Washington for the last word. Unless there is responsibility among the people themselves for the conduct of their Government and a desire among the people themselves for improved conditions any efforts on the part of this Government would appear to be illusory. The Department desires, therefore, that you should make use of every opportunity to impress upon the members of the Government and others in Honduras that the responsibility for the Government rests upon them; that the center of Honduran political activities is in Honduras and not in Washington and that regeneration must come from within. You should give your encouragement to any individuals or groups of individuals who are seriously endeavoring to bring about better conditions in Honduras on the basis of the assumption of responsibility therefor by the Hondurans.

I am [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg
  1. Not printed.