815.00/3558: Telegram

The Chargé in Honduras (Dennis) to the Secretary of State

39. Referring to the Department’s telegram of March 18, 5 p.m. Strikes over. Relative order on the north coast for past two weeks …

The Legation is in close liaison with well-informed representatives in Tegucigalpa of companies, also with consuls, and it took the action directed [by?] the Department promptly on first reports of trouble, see my despatches 722 and 731.15 As a result of this action the President sent General Martinez Funes to the coast with suitable instructions which appear to have been carried out. He is still there and the representatives of American interests have expressed satisfaction with results so far.

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The President is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the arms concerning whose reception General Funes has adequate instructions.

  1. Neither printed.