815.00/3527: Telegram

The Chargé in Honduras (Dennis) to the Secretary of State

11. The National Assembly yesterday by legislative decree declared elected President of Honduras Baraona2 with 72,021 votes and Vice President Quesada3 with 72,011 votes. 78,491 votes cast in all.

Inasmuch as rumors are being circulated to the effect that the United States Government will not recognize the new government, or will do so only under onerous and humiliating conditions, I consider it desirable that the Legation be instructed at once to make to the Provisional Government with a view to publication an appropriate statement. The publication of such a statement would do much to avert troublesome Red4 activities.

  1. Miguel Paz Baraona.
  2. Presentacion Quesada.
  3. Liberal Party.