
The Secretary of State to the High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell)

No. 254

Sir: Referring to your despatch No. 459 of November 21, 1924,17 in relation to the request for arbitration on the question of whether the Haitian Loan of 1910 is payable in gold, the Department informs you that it has beeen asked by the French Embassy on behalf of the Banque de l’Union Parisienne to use its good offices in an effort to induce the Haitian Government to consent to such arbitration.

[Page 315]

After carefully considering the matter, the Department has definitely declined to grant this request of the French Government and has sent to the French Embassy a note embodying such refusal, a copy of which is enclosed for your information.18

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison
  1. Not printed.
  2. Printed supra.