The British Ambassador (Howard) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to inform you that I am in receipt of a telegram from my Government to the effect that an order, dated 23rd December, 1924, has been promulgated by my Government whereby the landing in England or Wales of potatoes grown in the United States is prohibited. I am advised that this Order has been issued under the provisions of the British Destructive Insects and Pests Acts of 1877 and 1907 and the object of the measure is to prevent the introduction into Great Britain of the Colorado beetle. I am informed, also, that although the Order takes immediate effect, potatoes which may have been shipped from the United States before 23rd December will not be refused entry.
In requesting you to convey this information to the appropriate authorities of the United States Government, I beg to state that I shall be pleased to furnish you with a copy of the text of the Order in due course.
I have [etc.]