800.01 M 31/213: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Sterling)
133. Your despatch 1111, March 16.
(1) Please reply as follows:
“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Villiers’ note of March 14, 1925, with respect to the British “C” mandates.
I note the assurance given that ‘so long as the terms of the mandates remain unaltered, United States nationals and goods will be treated in all respects on a footing equal to that enjoyed by the nationals and goods of any state member of the League of Nations, with the exception of those within the British Empire, subject only to the proviso that this shall not involve the violation of any existing treaty engagements towards third parties.’
In due course I shall communicate to you the views of my Government with respect to the points raised in your communication under acknowledgment.”12
(2) Please informally request information with respect to the nature of “any existing treaty engagements toward third parties” of the nature referred to in the passage quoted above, and telegraph brief report.
- Apparently the further communication contemplated was not made.↩