462.00 R 296/846: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)

31. L–196, for Herrick, Kellogg and Logan. Your L–312.20 Department understands that waiver with respect to payments on account of reparations of ex-enemy Powers other than Germany applies only to waiver of participation in respect of army costs. It [Page 143] is essential that nothing in the agreement shall preclude the United States from recovering in due course from the other ex-enemy States in respect of American claims other than army costs. As you know, agreements have been negotiated with Austria and Hungary for settlement of claims, and the United States necessarily looks to these governments for reimbursement in due course.

See Dept’s L–19521 with further reference to your [L–]312.

  1. Ante, p. 140.
  2. Supra.