611.5231/294: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Moore) to the Secretary of State

105. Minister of Foreign Affairs has informed me that the Government would be willing to substitute following text for text of note given in my cipher telegram 100, October 17, 12 p.m.:

“Referring to our recent conversations regarding the future regime which shall govern the commercial relations between Spain and the United States, owing to the expiration on November 5th next of the commercial arrangement of August 1, 1906, at present in force between the two countries, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have no objection to acceding to your proposal and am agreeable therefore that the date of the expiration of the abovementioned commercial agreement be deferred for six months; that is, that it continue in force until May 5, 1924, or, in case a new commercial treaty between both countries is concluded previous to that date, until the date on which this new agreement shall enter into force.

“It is understood that on its part the Government of the United States, in virtue of the faculties referred to in section 315a of the American tariff act, shall arrange, at once and as soon as possible, that an investigation shall take place regarding the customs duties established by the tax on the following Spanish products: vegetable preserves, liquorice extract, dried almonds, olives, olive oil, cork stoppers, onions, pepper, castile soap, saffron, fish preserves, pistols and revolvers and natural mineral waters for the purpose of reducing the respective duties if, upon due investigation, they should appear to be excessive.

“I therefore deem that the present agreement is now terminated by the exchange of this note and the one which Your Excellency will kindly send me expressing his conformity therewith.”

If you authorize me to reply to this note in the terms outlined in your cipher telegram 68, October 20, 3 p.m., omitting second paragraph thereof which would no longer be relevant six months prorogation will be obtained. Please rush reply.
