Decision by the Department of State to support the Turkish Petroleum Company’s new concession in Iraq (Mesopotamia) providing for American participation and the open door40

40. For previous correspondence concerning petroleum exploitation in Iraq (Mesopotamia), see Foreign Relations, 1922, vol. ii, pp. 333 ff.

[156] The Secretary of State to the Special Mission at Lausanne

890g.6363 T 84/74a: Telegram

[157] The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State

890g.6363 T 84/75: Telegram

[162] The President of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (W. C. Teagle) to the Secretary of State

890g.6363 T 84/123

[163] The Consul at Bagdad (Randolph) to the Secretary of State

890g.6363 T 84/124: Telegram