The Secretary of State to the International Barnsdall Corporation
Gentlemen: I have received your letter of February 1, 1923, and have been pleased to note the assurances contained therein with regard to your proposed operations in the Russian oil fields.
You say that it is not your intention to infringe upon the vested rights of others in these oil fields, and that, if complaint is made in any particular instance and it is found that you are doing so unwittingly, the operations complained of will be stopped “until the matter can be satisfactorily adjusted.” This means, I assume, a satisfactory adjustment with the persons whose vested rights are in question.
I assume also that in referring to the vested rights of “the citizens of other countries in Russia” it was your intention to include citizens of the United States as well as those of third countries. I should be glad to have you confirm this.
I am [etc.]