The Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs
to the Secretary of
Mexico, D.F., August 24, 1923.
My Dear Mr. Hughes: Through Mr. Summerlin,
I have received your courteous message25 by which you inform
me, on the one hand, to have examined the minutes of the work of the
Mexican-American Commission adjourned on the 15th of this month at
this City, and to have submitted same to the President, and, on the
other hand, that the President has deigned to approve the
declarations and recommendations made by the American Commissioners.
You suggest, furthermore, the procedure through which the
reassumption of diplomatic relations could be accomplished, should
President Obregon have approved the declarations of the Mexican
Commissioners embodied in said minutes.
In reply to all this, upon expressing to you the gratification with
which this Chancellery has noted President Coolidge’s approval of
his Commissioners’ recommendations and upon informing you that
President Obregon has also approved the declarations made by his
Commissioners, I take the liberty to submit to your consideration
some slight modifications to the procedure you have been good enough
to propose—modifications which undoubtedly will greatly facilitate
the attainment of the ends in view,—to wit:
a) That both Chancelleries simultaneously make
the following or a similar statement to the press:
“The Governments of Mexico and that of the United States in
view of the reports and recommendations that their
respective Commissioners submitted as a result of the
Mexico–American Conferences
[Page 552]
held at the City of Mexico from May
14th, 1923 to August 15, 1923, have resolved to renew
diplomatic relations between them, and therefore, pending
the appointment of Ambassadors, they are taking the
necessary steps to accredit, formally, their respective
Chargés d’Affaires.”
I beg to suggest that this statement be made on Friday, August 31st,
1923, or before, at any hour you may deem convenient so that
President Obregon may confine himself—in his Message to Congress
upon its inaugural session on September 1st, 1923,—to announce this
resolution without having to enter into details that perhaps would
be best to omit for the time being.
b) Subsequently, that is to say, for instance,
ten or fifteen days after the date on which the respective Chargés
d’Affaires may have been formally accredited, that is, diplomatic
relations having been reassumed, the Conventions shall be signed as
suggested by you.
I make this suggestion being sincerely in the belief that the
simultaneity or close proximity between the two acts aforesaid may
unjustly give the former the erroneous impression of being
conditional, as the Mexican Government since November 1921,
spontaneously proposed the signing of similar conventions and, as
furthermore, is unnecessary since the Conventions that are to be
signed could not come into force before the date of the opening of
the United States Senate.
Resolved as it is, the reassumption of diplomatic relations, the
modifications proposed—without any sacrifice for American interests
or for the purposes of the United States Government—tend only to
assure the greatest and most firm cordiality in the future relations
between the two Governments permitting them to develop on the solid
basis of reciprocal confidence, which is the only possible
foundation of true friendship.
I am [etc.]