815.00/2565: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Morales) to the Secretary of State

39. Referring to the Department’s 15 of April 28, 1 p.m. The conference of the Presidential candidates was held on the 28th instant. Doctors Bonilla, Colindres and Bueno were present the latter representing Arias. Absolutely nothing accomplished. Bonilla at the last moment refused to withdraw. Lagos family desired to name José Angel Zuniga Huete as the compromise candidate supported by this Government and Guatemala. Arias and Colindres willing to withdraw but former against Lagos’ candidate. It is very evident [Page 427] that the Government intends to have a candidate in which case a revolution is imminent.

I shall follow instructions concerning proposed agreement outlined in the Department’s telegram and endeavor to have candidates arrive at solution for maintaining peace. I have combined words of Arias and Colindres.
