815.00/2561: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Morales)
15. Your despatch No. 328 of April 7, and your telegram of April 20, 2 p.m.4
The Department desires to avoid creating the impression that the United States is taking part in negotiations having as their object the unification of the Liberal party or the selection of one candidate to oppose Carias. It suggests, therefore, that you should exercise extreme caution in regard to the approaching conference of candidates.
The Department feels, however, that it might be helpful should all of the presidential candidates reach an agreement which would diminish the danger of revolution in connection with the approaching election. It would be glad to have your opinion on the practicability of such an agreement. If your personal relations with Carias make it possible, and if you perceive no serious objection to such a step, you are authorized to inform Carias informally and orally that the Government of the United States is somewhat concerned over the apparent probability of revolutionary disturbances [Page 426] in Honduras, and that it would be gratified if it were possible for the various political factions to reach an agreement which would assure the maintenance of peace. If there appears to be any reasonable prospect of success you may use your good offices, very discreetly, and without making any commitment of any nature, to assist in bringing about an agreement between all of the candidates for the presidency. You should make it perfectly clear to all concerned that your interest is simply in bringing about an agreement satisfactory to all parties and calculated to assist in the maintenance of peace.
Department has telegraphed text of your April 21, 3 p.m., to the American Legation at Guatemala, with following instruction:
“When a suitable occasion presents itself it is desired that you should speak of this special mission to President Orellana. You may say that your Government is somewhat concerned at the apparent possibility of disturbances in Honduras, and that it hopes that a way may be found to avoid such disturbances either by agreement between the various factions upon one compromise candidate, or by holding a free election. This Government hopes that the Government of Guatemala shares its views in this respect and that Guatemala’s influence will not be used in any way to support either political party in Honduras, or to make difficult a solution by either of the methods mentioned above. You may intimate that the Department feels that it would be contrary to the spirit both of the 1907 treaties5 and of the treaties signed at the recent Conference on Central American Affairs for any Central American Government to assist one political party or to attempt in any other way to influence the internal affairs of another Central American country.”
- Latter not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1907, pt. 2, pp. 692 ff.↩