361.1121 K 55/129: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Harvey)


356. No. 444, June 21, from Riga will be repeated to you by the Commissioner there. It concerns the plight of Americans held prisoners in Russia.

Is there a possibility of bringing effective pressure through the British Government upon the Bolsheviki?

Direct negotiations by the United States with Krassin or any other agent of the Bolsheviki it is believed will not bring definite results. It is thought that the Bolsheviki would make such negotiations the occasion for discussing innumerable unconnected issues involving the general relations of the United States with the Russian Soviets.

In case you take this matter up with the British officials, it may not be improper to call their attention to the fact that in 1918 the American Consul at Moscow and American Red Cross representatives gave very active aid and protection to British subjects. Considering this aid, it is felt that an opportunity to use its influence with the Bolsheviki on behalf of our citizens would be welcomed by the British Government.
