
Mr. A. Yazikoff to the Secretary of State

Sir: I beg to enclose herewith the appeal of the National Assembly of the Far Eastern Republic, dated December 9th, 1921. This appeal deals with the policy of the Japanese Government on the territory of the Far Eastern Republic.

I am [etc.]

A. Yazikoff

Chairman of the Special Trade Delegation of the Far Eastern Republic to the United States

Appeal to All Nations by the National Assembly of the Far Eastern Republic

The National Assembly which was elected by the entire population of the Russian Far East and which is vested with full power is compelled once more to lodge a decisive protest against Japanese aggression in the Russian Far East. The aggression has aroused the extreme indignation of the National Assembly.

It is now the fourth year that foreign troops have invaded the Russian Far East. The Japanese sword is suppressing the will of the Russian people. We, the elected representatives of the Russian Far East, from the provinces of Maritime, Saghalien, Priamur, Amur, TransBaikal, PriBaikal, remember very well all stages of the Japanese intervention; all the atrocities committed by the Japanese against the Russian people in the Far East. All the members of the National Assembly are ready to testify to the Japanese endeavors to strengthen and continue their intervention by falsehoods, deceits and atrocities. The Japanese are aiming to seize our territory and turn it into a Japanese colony. We also have in our possession a great number of documents regarding the Japanese schemes to seize our territory.

Japanese troops continue to pour into Vladivostok. Japan controls the entire Russian-Pacific coast. The attack against the [Page 718] Japanese troops in Nikolaevsk in 1920 was the result of Japanese provocation. The Japanese are building fortifications, are digging trenches and putting up barbed wire on Russian territory. Russian rivers have been mined by the Japanese. The mouth of the Amur River has been closed to Russian ships and made a base for attacks upon us. In order to extend their occupation the Japanese seized Saghalien and are exercising all the civil and military authority there. They are disposing of forestry, fishing and mining resources. Russians are prohibited from entering Saghalien without Japanese permission. Russians are arrested on suspicion of having relations with the legal Russian government.

By prolonging civil war the Japanese create conditions warranting the continuation of intervention; by ruining the economic life of the Russian Far East they aim to spread their own influence.

The Maritime Provincial Assembly which was elected by the entire population of the province was endeavoring to establish a democratic rule through A Constituent Assembly, devising means for the unification and pacification of the country, but the Japanese frustrated their attempts by assisting reactionaries in the coup-d’etat in Vladivostok and along the Ussuri Railroad.

Contrary to the agreement of April 29th which provided that no armed forces be permitted in the Japanese zone, the Japanese have been allowing and aiding in organizing and maintaining anti-government forces. This paralyzed the efforts of the government to restore normal life and frustrated all attempts to eliminate the marauding bands.

On May 29th, the Russian militia which was despatched to Nikolsk-Ussuriisk was disarmed by the Japanese who allowed the town to be captured by the Semenovites. The Japanese prevented the search for arms in the house of a Japanese subject on Komarovsky Street, and arrested all our armed detachments and the commanding staff. During the coup-d’état of May 26th, the Japanese disarmed and arrested the government troops who were resisting the Merkulov rebels.

The seizure of the Maritime province and the introduction of the rule of Semenov proved that Japan’s aggressiveness in the Russian Far East is not objected to by other powers.

At the Dairen conference between Japan and the Far Eastern Republic, the Japanese tried to obtain the consent of the Far Eastern Republic that Japanese troops should remain in Siberia, that fortifications of Russian cities be destroyed and that the Japanese should obtain all concessions in the territory along the Tartar Straights—all of which means loss of Russian sovereignty and dependence on Japan economically and politically. Failing in this the Japanese [Page 719] rendered assistance to Merkulov to launch an attack for which the Japanese supplied munitions; and the entire responsibility for this attack rests upon the Japanese.

The Russian people of the Far East repeatedly protested to the whole world against the Japanese atrocities. We protest against the Washington Conference discussing questions in which we are vitally interested without our participation. We strongly protest against the continued presence of Japanese troops on Russian territory, which is an encrouchment upon our sovereignty and independence.












