817.00/2828a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras (Wilson)

43. You will inform the Honduranean Government that this Government has viewed with some concern the friction between Honduras and Nicaragua, arising out of recent disturbances in Nicaragua near the Honduranean frontier. It believes that this friction could be removed by an impartial investigation of the existing situation in that district, and it therefore proposes to order one of the officers of the Legation Guard now stationed at Managua to undertake a journey through northwestern Nicaragua for the purpose of ascertaining the true situation there. This officer would be accompanied by a small escort of not more than four or five men. It is desired that he should, if practicable, return to his post at Managua by way of the Gulf of Fonseca, passing through a portion of Honduras for this purpose. You will therefore ask that the Government of Honduras grant permission for him to do this and issue the necessary instructions when the time arrives. Since the only purpose of the proposed investigation is to allay the friction and suspicion caused by recent events on the border, this Government is confident that it will meet with the approval of Honduras.
