The Acting Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs, Department of State (Hanna) to the First Secretary of the Mexican Embassy (Téllez)
The Acting Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs, Department of State, presents his compliments to the First Secretary of the Mexican Embassy and, referring further to his two communications of October 15 and 24, 1921, on the subject of the distribution and utilization of the waters of the Colorado River, has the honor to inform him that the branch of this Government to which the communications in question were referred has now submitted a report in regard to the matter.
It appears from this report that the meeting referred to in the Embassy’s communication of October 15, at which, it is stated, a Mexican citizen was invited to be present, probably was some meeting of interested parties not called by any official authority; and that the hearing which, according to the Embassy’s communication was to have been held on October 27, in this city, doubtless refers to a hearing now pending which is to be held by the Secretary of the Interior at some point in California, probably San Diego, at a date in the latter part of November or early in December, to be hereafter definitely fixed.
The report adds that this proposed hearing is for the consideration of a report prepared and submitted under the provisions and direction of an Act of Congress approved May 18, 1920, “To provide for the examination and report upon conditions and possible [Page 521] irrigation development of the Imperial Valley of California,”42 and that public notice will be given of it in due time.
The report makes reference to another Act of Congress which was approved on August 19, 1921, a copy of which is enclosed, entitled “An Act to permit a compact or agreement between the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, respecting the disposition and apportionment of the waters of the Colorado River, and for other purposes,” and discloses that the States mentioned in the Act have appointed delegates, or representatives, to serve on the Commission which the enactment provides for. The report adds that this Commission presumably will meet at some date in the future to consider the distribution of the mutual interests of each of such States in the waters of the Colorado River, but that it is believed the result of any such consideration will not affect Mexico in any way.
Finally, the report states that the object of appointing this Commission, on which a national representative appointed by the President of the United States will serve, is simply to provide some legislation which will obviate any further litigation between any two states concerning the use of an inter-state stream for irrigation or for other purposes.
Mr. Matthew E. Hanna embraces this opportunity to renew to Señor Don Manuel C. Téllez the assurances of his most distinguished consideration.
- 41 Stat 600.↩