The Alternate Chairman of the International
Committee of Bankers on Mexico (T. W. Lamont) to
the Secretary of State
York, September 8,
[Received September
Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to my letter to
you of September 2nd and to my informal talk with you on the telephone
on September 6th, for your information, I enclose herewith a copy of a
letter which I to-day handed to the Chargé of the Mexican Embassy and
which he told me he would immediately communicate to his government.
After giving him time to do so, we shall probably make toe brief
announcement here next week as to the proposed trip, in view of the fact
that there already have been many rumors regarding it.
I am [etc.]
The Alternate Chairman of the International
Committee of Bankers on Mexico (T. W. Lamont) to the Mexican Chargé (Téllez)
[New York] September 8,
Dear Mr. Tellez: Referring to the
invitation extended to me last February by the Mexican
through your good offices, to visit Mexico City as a representative
of the International Committtee of Bankers on Mexico for a
discussion of the Mexican Government’s outstanding foreign credits,
… I beg to say that I
[Page 498]
now planning to accept this invitation and to visit Mexico the last
part of this or the early part of next month. Although I shall go
unaccompanied by any other members of the International Committee, I
have been asked to act for the International Committee as a whole,
representing, as it does, holders of Mexican government obligations
from all the countries that have seats on that Committee, viz., the
United States, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium and
As soon as the arrangements for my trip have been completed, I shall
advise you of the date of my departure from New York and arrival in
Mexico City.
May I ask that this letter be treated as confidential until the date
of my departure has been definitely decided upon?
Will you please present our respects to the officials of your
government and again assure them that it is the earnest desire of
the International Committee to assist the Mexican Government in
every possible way in the proper adjustment of its outstanding
external obligations.
I remain [etc.]