
The Alternate Chairman of the International Committee of Bankers on Mexico (T. W. Lamont) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to the conversation I had the privilege of holding with you in your office a fortnight ago, in which you expressed the opinion that it would now be wise for me to proceed to Mexico City to discuss with the authorities there outstanding [Page 497] questions with reference to their external obligations, accordingly, I have it in mind to notify the authorities that in response to their invitation previously extended, I am preparing to visit Mexico City the latter part of this month. This communication we shall send, as usual, through the same medium by which the invitation was originally communicated, namely, the Mexican Chargé at Washington. Before, however, taking this step, I thought it wise to call the matter once more to your attention so that you might comment upon it in the event that recent developments had served to throw any new light on the situation.

I shall, therefore, venture to call you on the telephone sometime next Tuesday, the day after Labor Day. Trusting in the meantime that this letter will be brought to your attention, I am [etc.]

T. W. Lamont