The Commissioner at Budapest (Grant-Smith) to the Under Secretary of State (Fletcher)
[Received May 19.]
Dear Fletcher: In the press telegrams relative to the possibility of a state of peace being declared by the United States with the countries of Central Europe, Hungary has not, thus far, been specifically mentioned—only Germany and Austria. I presume of course that Austria is used generically to include’ Hungary, and that the omission of the latter is due to economy on the part of the press service. At the same time the Hungarians scan these messages with interest and anxiety, and the late Foreign Minister called my attention to it some weeks ago. Yesterday a subordinate of the Ministry called to say on behalf of Count Bánffy, the new Minister for Foreign Affairs that he hoped that Hungary would not be overlooked when our Government came to take action in the matter.
Although I feel that there is no occasion for disquiet on their part, I venture to bring it to your attention.
Sincerely Yours,