368.117/64: Telegram

The Minister in Greece (Droppers) to the Secretary of State

25. Your number 3. Greek Foreign Office has notified us as follows regarding military service in Greece. Class 1. All those who have served during the war in the United States Army are exempted from all military service when returning to Greece. 2d. All those who have not served in the American Army and who belong to the reserve of the Greek Army must, if they return to Greece, serve in the latter army if and as long as the reserve class to which they belong is under arms and will be dismissed at the same time as their comrades of the same class. If their class has been dismissed from active service at the time of their visit to Greece they are by that fact exempt from all military service. 3d. Every Greek citizen belonging to the active army who on arriving in Greece shall within a month present a certificate proving his residence in the United States is exempt from the penalties of the Greek military law for his delay in presenting himself for military service and will not have to serve an additional time in consequence of such delay. As regards exemptions from military service for family reasons, etc., such cases can only be regulated according to the Greek recruiting law.
