793.94/1056: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Tenney) to the Secretary of State

21. The Japanese Minister presented notification dated January 19th to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating the desire of the Japanese Government to begin direct negotiations through commissioners appointed by the two Governments for the settlement of all questions relating to Shantung. Special mention is made of the organization at an early date of the railway police force, presumably as defined in the exchange of notes following Sino-Japanese loan agreement of September 29th [28th], 1918.58 The Japanese Minister’s memorandum was confidential but I have been furnished a copy. The Chinese are in a panic realizing that direct negotiations will lead to the strengthening of Japan’s hold on Shantung. They would like to refer the matter to the League of Nations but hesitate to do so unless the United States Government is to be represented in the League of Nations. As soon as the ratification of the treaty by the Senate is accomplished I advise that the United States Government insist upon the reference of the Shantung question to the League of Nations.

  1. The exchange of notes did not follow the loan agreement; the notes preceded the agreement. For texts of notes, dated Sept. 24, 1918, see Foreign Relations, 1919, vol. i, pp. 571572.