861.77/1485: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Tenney)


122. In spite of the fact that the attitude expressed by you in your despatch No. 3197, March 24, is that which would logically be deduced from the position which we have traditionally taken in regard to the matter of municipal administration by the Russians in the zone of the Chinese Eastern Railway, it is nevertheless the view of the Department that the breakdown of Russian power and the resulting contest for the authority and influence which the Russians formerly held has brought a new consideration into the situation. To maintain this railway as a separate concern with the equities and legal rights of those who have an interest in it unimpaired, it appears to be necessary to keep from raising an issue regarding any change in either its de facto or the de jure status. Under existing conditions it appears best for the reason indicated that the issue of municipal administration should be left in abeyance.
