861.77/1632a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Crane)


193. For Stevens:

“Your willingness to stay at Harbin for a while pending the outcome of the negotiations now in progress regarding the Chinese Eastern Railway is appreciated by the State Department. The seriousness and importance of the situation is fully realized by the [Page 704] Department. The cause of delay has been due to our attempts to come to a complete agreement with Great Britain and to work out in detail a plan of procedure which can be agreed upon. The delay has not been due to any negotiations with Japan. The Department has proposed to Great Britain that the British join with us in an effort to have Japanese troops entirely withdrawn from the railway, to have the system of operation and control reorganized in such a way as to give you the authority which is necessary, and to secure at once for necessary expenses an appropriation of $10,000,000. Great Britain is apparently ready, from evidence we have, to join vigorously with us in such a program. In order to make it possible to communicate directly with you hereafter, we are preparing to provide you with a new code. The Department will continue to keep you informed as to the situation. The negotiations with Great Britain are strictly confidential and you will realize the need of absolute secrecy regarding this.”

Send a special messenger with a paraphrase of the above message to Stevens at Harbin. Repeat it also to our Embassy in Japan as no. 290.
