760c.60f/33: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State


1424. Mission. At its 63d meeting Conference of Ambassadors this morning considered report of special committee appointed to determine frontier line in regions of Teschen, Spitz and Orava. Committee submitted following lines in these three regions:

[Here follows a detailed description of the proposed frontier lines.]

I informed Conference that I had still received no instructions from my Government and I requested that no decision be taken until they had been received. All of my colleagues however felt that matter was one of the greatest urgency and that if decision is not taken immediately further bloodshed is inevitable. They also pointed out that in the telegram sent from Spa Conference to Department it had been stated that it was essential that Teschen affair be settled before July 25th. It was therefore decided subject to my reservation to accept line submitted by committee and to inform Teschen commission unofficially and in strictest confidence of line agreed upon, at the same time asking it to take necessary military measures to prevent disorder and also asking when it thought Allied troops could be withdrawn. The feeling was that this should be within three months at the latest.

Tomorrow drafting committee will submit to Conference an agreement to be signed by Principal Allied and Associated Powers, Poland and Czechoslovakia, relative to protection of minorities and exports of coal to Poland from region thus given to Czechoslovakia. After consideration of this agreement Conference will summon Polish and Czecho-Slovak representatives before it on Friday morning, inform them of frontier line determined upon, and invite them to sign said agreement.

I earnestly hope that I may have instructions by Friday July 22, 10 a.m.
