893.51/3053: Telegram
The Chargé in Japan (Bell) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 13—3:45 a.m.]
588. My 571 November 5, 1 p.m.32 and your 409 November 3, 3 p.m. I have received following note from Minister for Foreign Affairs dated November 12th, 1920:33
“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 5th instant in which you were good enough to acquaint me that consequent upon the decision taken at the recent meeting of the Chinese loan consortium held in New York that all resolutions adopted by the delegates as recorded in the minutes of the consortium are subject to the approval of the Governments of the respective groups, the Government of the United States has conveyed to the American group its formal approval thus contemplated.
I am happy to be able to inform you in reply that the Japanese Government will also give their formal approval shortly to the Japanese bankers group of the resolutions above alluded to. It is however to be pointed out in this connection that such approval must be taken subject to the one or two reservations made by the Japanese delegates as recorded in the minutes of the consortium.”