893.00/3398: Telegram
The Minister in China (Crane) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18—12:54 p.m.]
186. My 185 July 16, 11 p.m.22 Tuan forces have received severe repulses on both battle areas and his soldiers are retreating on Peking. Chang Tso Lin troops from Mukden, numbering about 6,000, have reached scene of fighting at Pehtsang and Yangtsun, compelling [Page 447] withdrawal Tuan forces from Yangtsun to Lota [Lofa?]. This shift removes fighting area from vicinity of Tientsin which had been cause of protest from consular body. Trains from Peking to Tientsin went through yesterday morning but none have come from Tientsin. Telegraph lines to Tientsin opened this morning. City calm, but anxious. All gates closed since last night. General Wang in charge of city troops has made dispositions to guard against violence Tuan soldiers, about 8,000 of whom have returned but are well in hand to date.
- See telegram of July 18, from the consul general at Tientsin, supra.↩