The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Lindsay)
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in regard to the proposed reference to the International Joint Commission of the matter concerning the further improvement of the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Lake Ontario, and particularly to the Department’s note of January 21,27 I have now the honor to inform you that under date of January 29, 1920, this Department is advised by the Acting Secretary of War that Colonel William P. Wooten, Engineers, [Page 414] United States Army, who is now in charge of the Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Michigan, has been designated to cooperate with the engineers of the Canadian Government in making the necessary surveys and preparing the plans and estimates in furtherance of the work of the Commission, and that proper instructions in this relation have been addressed to him.
Since this Government has not been informed of the designation of a Canadian engineer, his name does not appear in the instructions to Colonel Wooten. The Acting Secretary of War desires that the Canadian Government be urged to appoint at the earliest convenient date the engineer who will undertake the corresponding duties on behalf of the Dominion of Canada. This Department will, therefore, be glad to be advised of the name of the engineer designated by the Canadian Government.
Accept [etc.]
- See footnote 26, supra.↩