715.1715/181: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras (Spencer)
56. Your October 8, 6 p.m.
The Department signified its approval of the proposed conference between the Presidents of Honduras and Nicaragua in the belief that the conference was to be held for the sole purpose of determining upon measures to be taken by the Governments of these two countries to prevent further revolutionary invasions along their common boundary. Under these circumstances the Department sees no reason why the President of Salvador or his representative should be a party to the conference, and believes it advisable that the purposes of the conference be limited to those originally suggested.
The President of Nicaragua has advised the Department that the conference could not take place at Choluteca now because of the bad condition of the roads, but has suggested that the conference be held at some place upon the banks of the Rio Negro which could be reached by both Executives by launch. In view of this suggestion of President Chamorro, inquire discreetly of the President whether the point indicated would not be agreeable to him.