500.C1/10: Telegram

The Chargé in Italy (Jay) to the Acting Secretary of State


113. It appears to be decided that the Council of the League of Nations will meet in Rome at the beginning of April and settled permanently that the British, French and Italian Premiers forming the Supreme Council will meet at the same time on the Italian Riviera probably at San Tribuna [San Remo]. I would like instructions regarding my relations and attitude toward both conferences as I understand Ambassador Johnson will not arrive here until the middle of April. Also whether I am to insist upon being kept officially fully informed and intimation as to how fully the [Page 2] Department desires me to report what I hear. I suggest someone with previous practical experience of Peace Conference such as Harrison1 or Grew2 be detailed temporarily to assist this Embassy, if the United States is to have any official relation to either conference.

  1. Leland Harrison, Secretary of Embassy at Paris.
  2. Joseph Clark Grew, Counselor of Embassy at Paris.