840.48/2657a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Wallace)

518. Please transmit the following to Legations at The Hague, Stockholm, Christiania and Copenhagen and Embassy at Madrid:

“You will communicate the following to the Government to which you are accredited. Reports reaching the United States of deplorable conditions in certain countries of Central Europe have made it clear that a comprehensive plan involving both relief and rehabilitation of industry is necessary. In Austria there is a condition approaching starvation and industry is at a standstill owing to lack of raw materials. In Poland suffering is intensified by the prevalence of typhus and other diseases. In other countries there is vital need of specific commodities either to maintain public health or to resume industrial operation. Partially to meet this need the United States Grain Corporation will supply on credit immediately from stores already at the ports 100,000 tons of wheat flour to Poland [Page 265] in addition to 100,000 tons already promised of which 20,000 tons have been shipped; 200,000 tons to Austria, 25,000 tons to Czechoslovakia and 15,000 tons to Hungary. This flour will be transported as promptly as possible by the British.

Since it is clear, however, that any comprehensive plan of relief and rehabilitation in Central Europe must include fats and raw materials, the Government of the United States feels it essential to urge on the various neutral governments generously to associate themselves with this Government and the Governments of the Allies in the advance of credits sufficient to purchase necessary materials. This appeal is made confidently, not only because of its humanitarian aspect but because existing conditions might well lead to such political chaos as would disrupt economic relations for years to come and because of the danger of epidemics which might bring disaster to the whole world. Food is necessary to prevent famine and combat disease; raw materials are necessary to enable Central Europe through resumption of industry to give employment to the idle and regain its self-respect and power of self-support through work. That there may be no waste nor duplication of effort it has been suggested that the governments participating send representatives to Paris to act in an advisory capacity. This will make possible the formulation of a comprehensive plan and will not delay the immediate action necessary.[”]
