
The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in Central and South America

Gentlemen: In answer to a request from the Government of Salvador to the Government of the United States for a definite statement of its interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine, the Department answered, in a note to the Minister of Salvador, who transmitted his Government’s request to the Department, in part as follows:

“I have the honor to inform you that the views of this government with reference to the Monroe Doctrine were set forth in the address of the President of the United States to the Second Pan American Scientific Congress, a copy of the pertinent portions of which I beg to attach herewith.”

A copy of the part of the President’s address which was communicated to the Government of Salvador is enclosed herewith,86 as a part of this circular instruction, and may be given to the press if desired.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Breckinridge Long
  1. Printed supra.