574.D1 Subcommittee 2/16
Report of Subcommittee on the EU–F–GB–I Radio
To the Honorable Norman H.
President of the Preliminary
Conference on Electrical Communications.
The Sub-Committee on the EU–F–GB–I Radio Protocol begs to report that
it has held fifteen meetings and that it has considered the
EU–F–GB–I Radio Protocol of August 25, 1919, together with the
modifications and comments put forward by the American Committee
appointed by the Secretary of Commerce. It has also considered
portions of the Draft Regulations attached to the Draft of the
Combined Telegraph Convention and its attached appendices submitted
by the British Delegation. It appointed a sub-subcommittee to
consider wave lengths and their allocation. This sub-sub-committee
held sixteen meetings. The recommendations of this sub-sub-committee
have been adopted by the sub-committee No. 2.29
Certain of the recommendations of the sub-committee have been
embodied in the revised draft convention and regulations annexed to
the report of the sub-committee on Universal Communications Union
and Telegraph and Radio Telegraph Conventions. These recommendations
deal with the following:
[Here follows a list of twenty-seven recommendations.]
The sub-committee recommends that the annexed appendices30 be attached to the revised draft
convention and regulations, namely:
- Appendix I. General principles governing the regulation of
fixed stations using waves greater than 3050 metres.
- Appendix II. Classification of radio waves and
distribution of wave lengths to different services.
The sub-committee recommends that the following paragraph be inserted
in the draft convention:
[Here follows text of paragraph printed as article 11 of the draft
convention, page 154.]
The sub-committee makes the following recommendations:
“The international body which is concerned with the ‘safety
of life at sea’ to determine what ships are to be required
to carry radio apparatus and the minimum hours of watch
which are to be kept. Likewise, this international body
should determine the obligations in regard to emergency sets
on board ships.
[Page 166]
“The international body which is concerned with aerial
navigation to determine which aircraft are to be required to
carry radio apparatus, and the minimum hours of watch which
are to be kept.
“The question of meteorological telegrams will be discussed
by the International Meteorological Commission, which met in
London commencing at the end of November, 1920. It seems,
therefore, that it is the duty of this meteorological
Commission to organize a special service regarding
meteorological telegrams; and consequently it seems
unnecessary for the Preliminary International Conference on
Electrical Communications to dwell on this subject except in
connection with the wave-lengths and financially with
“The Preliminary International Conference on Electrical
Communications express the wish that the Scientific
International Organization, which is dealing with time
signals, be caused to prepare, as soon as possible, a table,
showing automatic time signals and a table showing time
signals made by hand, which should be accepted by the
nations so as to facilitate the task of mariners who are
sailing in all parts of the world.”
The sub-committee’s recommendations with regard to the formation of a
provisional technical committee are annexed and marked “A.”
The sub-committee’s recommendations with regard to the distribution
of waves to existing stations are annexed and marked “B.”33
The recommendations contained in “A” and “B” are for the information
of the Five Principal Allied and Associated Powers only.
It should be understood that in connection with the recommendations
made by the sub-committee on the EU–F–GB–I Protocol that the powers
which have taken part in the present conference reserve the right to
propose further modifications.
[Annex A]
Recommendations for the Formation of a
Provisional Technical Committee34
- 1.
- A provisional technical committee consisting of
representatives from the Five Principal Powers shall be
constituted for the purpose of studying the various matters
which have been referred to it by the Preliminary
International Conference on Electrical
- 2.
- This Provisional Technical Committee shall meet as soon as
practicable, at least three months before the International
[Page 167]
order that it may render its report before the meeting of
the International Conference.
- 3.
- The French Government is requested to take the initiative
in calling together this Provisional Technical
- 4.
- The matters which have been referred to the Provisional
Technical Committee shall be examined by the administrations
[of the five Powers, in order that their representatives may
be in possession, so far as possible, when they arrive at
the meeting of the Provisional Technical Committee, of the
opinions of the various persons using radiotelegraphy in
regard to questions which that Committee will
- [5.
- This Provisional Technical Committee should consider that
it has the right to ask any one of the five administrations]
represented on the committee to undertake any experimental
works or trials that it considers would be desirable in the
interests of the work of the committee.
- 6.
- The following is a list of the subjects which are referred
to the Provisional Technical Committeitem:
- 1.
- To report upon the classification of waves with
the view to making it clear and suitable for actual
practical application, amplifying it by—
- (a)
- Exact definitions.
- (b)
- A statement of what divergence from these
definitions will be tolerated in practice,
- (c)
- A statement of how the divergence will be
meaured and check[ed] in those cases where any
doubt is found to exist as to the type of wave
that is being emitted by any radio station.
- 2.
- To ascertain whether in practice the use by mobile
services of the TOO metre damped wave is liable to
interfere with the 600 and 800 metre wave, and, if
so, how much; and whether it is liable to interfere
with continuous waves, using wave lengths in the
proximity of 700 metres, and, if so, how
- 3.
- To recommend a date when the use of the 700 metre
damped wave shall be prohibited on mobile
- 4.
- To ascertain whether time signals, meteorological
telegrams, etc., should be transmitted on specified
standard wave lengths, or whether they should be
transmitted on any wave length between definite
- 5.
- In the consideration of the revision of the
definitions of the classes of waves, the technical
committee should determine more exactly what
privileges will be permitted to each class of
- 6.
- To consider what waves radiotelephony should be
permitted to use and what interference one would
expect on either side of these waves, and
particularly to consider the following points:
- (a)
- To determine whether 350 metres to 450
metres should be reserved exclusively for
radiotelephony (except continuous
[Page 168]
waves may be used) or
whether 200 to 350 metres or 500 to 545 metres
should be substituted therefor.
- (b)
- To endeavor to select a wave for
radiotelephony between 600 and 800 metres for
mobile stations which would not interfere with
existing radiotelegraphic communication.
- (c)
- To recommend whether radiotelephony should
be permitted in the band between 1500 and 1600
- (d)
- To recommend whether radiotelephony should
be permitted for trans-oceanic service on waves
between 7000 and 8000 metres.
- 7.
- To ascertain whether or not mobile services should
be permitted to use the band between 1450 and 1500
metres, sharing this band with the military
- 8.
- To consider how any special spark apparatus should
be examined in practice to ascertain whether any
waves emitted by it are sufficiently free from
objectionable features to be allowed into Class
- 9.
- To study the question of the suppression of
undesirable emissions.
- 10.
- To elaborate the general principles to govern the
working of fixed stations using waves between 3050
metres and 30000 metres and if possible to have
definite detailed proposals ready for the
International Conference.
- 11.
- To determine proper definitions for “normal range”
and the “standard of radiation” and to determine
means for measuring radiation.
- 12.
- To determine a standard of range for radio
- 13.
- To study wave lengths to be employed by radio
direction-finders, particularly to study which of
the following waves is more suitable, viz: 450, 600,
or 800 metres. And to study whether all radio
direction-finding stations should be prepared to
receive signals for bearings on both 450 and 800
- 14.
- To consider any other technical matters that may
arise out of the Conference and any other questions
that may be proposed by any of the Five Powers and
put forward by their representatives on the