
The Secretary of State to the Senior Delegate to the EU–F–GB–I Radiotelegraphic Commission ( Bullard 78)

Sir: In your capacity as delegate to the Military and Naval Conference on radio telegraphy,80 which will have its next meeting on Monday, August 25, you are authorized to urge that the delegates of the other governments recommend to their respective governments favorable action upon the note addressed by me to the other members of the Council of Five in Paris, and which provided for the convocation of an International Congress to consider all international aspects of communication by land telegraph, cable, or wireless telegraphy. A copy of my letter is enclosed herewith. Your attention is directed to the underscoring of the word Powers. It is understood that this means the Principal Allied and Associated Powers. Cable and wireless telephony should probably also be included in the scope of the Congress.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing

The Secretary of State to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Pichon )81

My Dear Mr. Piohon: It is my understanding that during the course of the discussions in the Council of Five regarding the disposition [Page 108] to be made of the German cables the following agreement was reached:

“The Principal Allied and Associated Powers shall as soon as possible arrange for the convoking of an International Congress to consider all international aspects of communication by land telegraphs, cables or wireless telegraphy, and to make recommendations to the Powers 81 concerned with a view to providing the entire world with adequate facilities of this nature on a fair and equitable basis.”

I feel that the importance of this Congress is scarcely to be overestimated and that steps should be taken to convoke a conference on this subject at the earliest possible moment. I am, therefore, bringing the matter informally to your attention in order that I may have the benefit of your views as to the advisability of taking the necessary preliminary measures in preparing the work of this Congress and in this connection I venture to suggest the possibility of arranging an initial meeting in October of this year in Washington.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing
  1. William H. G. Bullard, Rear Admiral, U. S. N.
  2. Attached to the file is a rough draft of this letter dated July 30, 1919.
  3. The official title of this Conference is as given in the heading of this document, the initials standing for the names, in French, of the countries represented.
  4. The same letter to the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Sonnino), the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Balfour), and the Japanese Delegate (Makino).
  5. Amended to “Principal Allied and Associated Powers” before adoption.