861.77/1098: Telegram

The Consul at Harbin (Jenkins) to the Secretary of State

From conversations with General Horvath and Chinese Taoyin I am led to believe that General Semenoff is trying to secure control Chinese Eastern Railway zone. Taoyin says that he does not know details of the recent conference between Semenoff and General Chang Tso-lin34 at Mukden but there are rumors Mukden troops may replace Kirin troops now guarding railway, also that Semenoff troops may come here, and further that Semenoff is going to Tsitsihar to confer with Chinese Governor there. Understand Chang Tso-lin’s relations with Japanese subject to suspicions and as he now controls all Manchuria it would be easy matter for him to replace Kirin troops on railway with his own and then let Semenoff in. I feel this matter full of grave possibilities. Copies this despatch sent to Ambassador Morris and Legation at Peking.

  1. Chinese Inspector General of Manchuria.